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Kayla Suganuma - Class of 2013

February 9th, 2022

Shop Small businesses with Kayla Akemi

If you’re looking for the perfect stocking stuffer, be sure to visit Laine Honolulu at Ala Moana Center to find Kayla Suganauma’s `13 handmade macrame items! Kayla started her small business brand, Kayla Akemi, in December of 2019. The purpose originally was to gift more personal Christmas presents to friends and family. She eventually started selling on Etsy where shoppers are able to buy ornaments, crossbody purses, wall hangers and more.  

Kayla’s online business led her to meet Shanalaine, who planned to open a new lifestyle boutique with a focus on supporting local businesses in Ala Moana Center. In November of 2021, Laine opened its doors featuring jewelry, art, accessories, and Kayla’s staple macrame pieces. 


Although Kayla’s brand plays a big part in her life today, she didn’t always consider herself a creative person. “At PBA, I didn’t initially think of myself as artistic, but always enjoyed the unique classes offered. I heard that last year there was a fiber arts course and this year there is jewelry making.

It’s so important that the students get a chance to have that creative outlet, even if they aren’t passionate about it at first. You just never know when you will come back around looking for that peace in your life. In addition, my small business has taught me new life lessons like how to balance my schedule, manage money, and market my brand,” said Kayla.  

Just like the tight-knit community at PBA, Kayla has found the art community on Oahu to be warm and welcoming. “I’m always inspired by the makers around me,” she explained. “We support each other and appreciate all who shop small when they can.” Congratulations to Kayla and all her success with Kayla Akemi!   

Click here to shop: www.etsy.com/shop/kaylakemi