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Asa Iwasa - Class of 2021

February 9th, 2022

Adventures Ahead for PBA 2021 Graduate

“Keep in touch with your friends, go out on weekends, and have fun,” Asa Iwasa ’21 advises his former classmates, PBA’s newly graduated Class of 2022. “As cliché as it might sound, life will pass you by if you don’t pay attention.”  

Asa has had an interest for both working with his hands and BMX biking for as long as he can remember. He now looks forward to relocating to Phoenix, Arizona in August for trainings at the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute where he hopes to pursue a career as a technician. “My passion is fixing things and helping others. I hope to gain enough knowledge in school to do so for both friends and strangers,” explained Asa.

Although Asa says he misses spending time with his peers and teachers at PBA, he assures the newly graduating class that there is much to look forward to post-high school graduation. “I’m excited to move in with roommates, live on my own for the very first time, and enjoy all the experiences that come with exploring a new state,” said Asa. “I’m not completely sure where my journey as a technician will take me, but finding my path is a critical part of this stage in life, something that the grade one year below me is sure to experience soon. A message that I hope the Class of 2022 will remember is that it’s okay to explore different interests and careers. I hope we can all remember to embrace our youth and enjoy the ride!”