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What's New at PBA - February 8, 2024

February 29th, 2024

Actor and Activist George Takei Visits PBA

On Sunday, February 18, PBA co-hosted a reception for George Takei and his husband Brad Takei following Mr. Takei's talk at the hondo, or main temple of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, in observance of the Day of Remembrance commemorating the incarceration of more than 125,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. 

As attendees ambled from the temple to the PBA Weinberg Building, the reception welcomed the Takeis and more than 150 others with the driving rhythms of taiko drumming from PBA Chaplain Rev. Blayne Nakasone's taiko group Ryugen Taiko.

Read the full article here!